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Victor M. Eskew




A.    Questions and Answers are often used at parties, social events, and family get-togethers as a means of entertainment.

1.      These questions are often “General Knowledge” questions.

2.      Examples:

a.      What is the largest fresh water lake in the world?  Lake Superior

b.      What is the diameter of the earth?  8,000 miles

c.       What actress has won the most Oscars?  Katharine Hepburn

d.      Who invented TV?  George Carey, a Boston civil servant in 1876

e.       What letter of the alphabet is never silent?  V


B.      It is fun to play a Q&A games, but after we get the answers how much have we really benefited?  Is your life enriched to know that “V” is the only letter of the alphabet that is never silent?


C.     Questions and Answers in the spiritual realm are much different than General Knowledge Questions.

1.      They are important.

2.      The answers matter.

3.      The answers can make a huge difference in our lives.


D.    That is why we have our Q&A Night every first Sunday night of the month.  Since last week was our Kick-Off Sunday, we did not do Q&A.  Therefore, tonight, we will be answering two of your questions.


I.                   QUESTION #1 – Forgiveness


A.    Stated:  Are we required to forgive those who have not asked our forgiveness?


B.      There are four things that will help us address this question.

1.      First, the question that is really being asked is this:  “Do we have to forgive others unconditionally?”

a.      Someone sins against us and we just forgive them regardless of how they continue to act toward us.

b.      Question:  Does God forgive unconditionally?  The answer to this question is:  “No.”

1)      He does not forgive the alien sinner unconditionally.  He must obey the gospel in order to obtain forgiveness (Acts 2:38).

2)      He does not forgive His children who sin unconditionally (I John 1:9).

c.       Question:  Can you and I do more than God does? 

2.      Second, the Bible sets forth the condition upon which you and I are to forgive another person (Luke 17:3-4).


Take heed to yourselves:  If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.  And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.


3.      Third, we should always be of a disposition that desires others to be forgiven of their sins.

a.      Jesus on the cross of Calvary (Luke 23:34)

b.      Stephen who was stoned by the Jews (Acts 7:60)

c.       Paul toward those who forsook him (II Tim. 4:16).

4.      In counseling there is a concept called “forgiveness” that is said to be necessary to a person’s healing process.

a.      Example:  If a child was abused by a family member, he could grow up with many problems in his adult life.  In counseling, he is told that he must forgive his abuser if he is going to heal. 

b.      A better practice in counseling would involve acceptance. 

1)      The person accepts that he/she has been abused.

2)      The person accepts that the abuse will never go away.

3)      The person accepts the abuser may never confess and ask forgiveness.

4)      The person accepts that he/she was not responsible.

5)      The person accepts that he is now responsible for changing his/her life.


II.                QUESTION #2:  Keith Lancaster


A.    Question:  Is the work of Keith Lancaster scriptural?  Why?  Or, why not?


B.      Two important considerations:

1.      Who is Keith Lancaster?

2.      What does it mean to be scriptural?


C.     Who is Keith Lancaster?

1.      Picture




2.      Background

a.      Keith grew up in Paris, TN. 

b.      His wife’s name is Sharon.

c.       They have four children and one grandchild.

d.      The presently live in Cullman, Alabama and work with the Cullman church of Christ.

e.       Keith is a singer, song writer, composer, producer, and executive.

3.      Acappella

a.      A group that began in 1982 with a concert and a few recordings.

b.      Their first album was released in 1984.

c.       It is now a large business, The Acappella Company, that focuses on:

1)      Acappella:  A concert ministry that reaches people around the world, combining stellar harmonies with the gospel message.

2)      Praise and Harmony Workshops:  equip churches of all sizes to maximize their potential for vibrant worship by employing techniques that move assemblies toward 100% participation.

3)      Training Leaders:  A week-long boot-camp that trains worship leadersThey develop a skill set to reinforce the message in worship and gain awareness of the unconscious habits that are distracting from it.

4)      Recording music:  CDs and DVDs  (NOTE:  Keith has written many Christian songs that are sung throughout our brotherhood).

5)      Singing at Sea Cruise Vacations


C.     What does it means to be scriptural?

1.      It means that a person speaks as the oracles of God (I Pet. 4:11).


If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God…


2.      It means that a person behaves as becometh the gospel of Christ (Phil. 1:27).


Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ…


3.      It means that a person does Bible things in Bible ways (Col. 3:17).


And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, to all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


4.      It means that one does not transgress the doctrine of Christ (II John 9).


Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.  He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.


D.    What are some things that Keith and his ministry have done that violate the teachings of the New Testament?

1.      They were avid participators in the Tulsa Soul-Winning Workshop, a lectureship that involved false teachers and false doctrine (See Eph. 5:11).


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.


2.      They would perform at denominational churches (See II Cor. 6:17)


Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.


3.      Their voices are not only used to sing, but they are also used to imitate the sounds of instrumental music.  Some refer to this as non-lyrical techniques.

a.      Singing which is what is authorized in the New Testament (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:17) involves the use of the voice to sing words.

b.      Non-lyrical techniques do not involve singing.  They are an addition to singing.  They are similar to humming.  In fact, humming is a non-lyrical technique.

c.       They believe that they are “riding the line” since they do not use physical instruments of music.  In fact, they have crossed the line because they have added to what is commanded in Scripture, namely, to sing.  They sing and use non-lyrical techniques to perform.

d.      At the conclusion of a performance by an acappella group, a preacher said:  “And you just thought the churches of Christ did not use instruments of music.”

4.      An act of worship and personal devotion, singing, is turned into a performance that elevates the performers and appeals to the fleshly desires of man by entertaining them.


E.      Other innovations to the song services:  (NOTE:  We are not saying Keith Lancaster is involved in these things.  We mention them because they correspond with our present discussion).

1.      Some churches have begun to “mic” certain members of the church who are talented singers in order to make them overshadow the poorer singers of the church. 

2.      Other churches have “praise teams” consisting of both men and women who stand in front of the congregation and lead the church in the song service.

3.      Some churches also have choirs, quartets, and soloists who sing during the worship services.

4.      We are reminded of the words of Samuel to Saul in I Samuel 15:22.


And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.


a.      The Lord is not concerned with the things that please us (I Sam. 15:22).

b.      He is not impressed with our opinions about what makes worship better (Prov. 3:5).

c.       He is concerned about the participation of all worshippers and not just a handful of the most talented (John 4:23).

d.      He does not desire a performance.  He longs to be worshipped in harmony with His will (John 4:24).


F.      A word of warning.

1.      These new techniques:

a.      Are very beautiful and captivating and pull at the heartstrings

b.      Contain compelling lyrics

c.       Involve people who are nice and kind and extremely talented

d.      Have the approval of elders, deacons, ministers, youth ministers, scholars, professors, and colleges among us

e.       Appeal to our fleshly desires

f.        Are shrouded in the concept of acappella

g.      Are lauded and the conservative views are mocked and ridiculed

h.      Have been viewed as the way to grow the church

i.        Have become commonly accepted in many places

2.      Satan often cloaks his evil in that which appears to be good

a.      Gen. 3:6a


And when the woman saw that the tree as good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise…


b.      I John 2:15-16


Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.


c.       II Corinthians 2:11


Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:  for we are not ignorant of his devices.




A.    Forgiveness is a very important topic.

1.      If we do not forgive, God will not forgive us of our trespasses (Matt. 6:14-15).

2.      But, we cannot forgive from a Biblical perspective until the transgressor repents and seeks forgiveness.


B.      In many places, the world has entered the church. 

1.      This is what has happened to singing and worship within the church.

2.      The world deceives the heart and satisfies the flesh.

3.      We must constantly keep in mind the words of the apostle John (I John 2:17).


And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:  but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.